The Internet has changed the way people look for homes. That is why at Oz Realty Group we have developed an aggressive online marketing approach to satisfy the demands of the Internet consumer. Oz Realty Group listings feature virtual tours, digital photography and detailed listing information. Listings also appear on other real estate search engines and websites, creating maximum exposure to the real estate community and the individual Internet consumer.
Multiple Listing Service of Northern Illinois (MLSNI)
As part of our online marketing approach to selling your home, Oz Realty Group promotes your property to other Realtors in the area to ensure contact with every active buyer in your price range. Through MLSNI, information is available every day to the entire real estate community in the Chicagoland area. Every home listed with Oz Realty Group is posted on MLSNI within 24 hours.
MLSNI is the Realtor owned and operated listing service for the Northern Illinois real estate market. One of the largest multiple listing services in the world, MLSNI is owned by ten Chicagoland area boards and associated Realtors. Through MLSNI, Realtors provide their clients with a wealth of information to assist in the search for a new home.
MLSNI offers the largest single source of real estate listings:
- Over 72,500 active real estate listings currently for sale
- Over 37,000 Realtor members
- Over 1.75 million off-market listings
- Over 500,000 file photos
- Over 4,000,000 tax records
All Oz Realty Group listings are posted on, which includes 90% of listed property in the United States. is the #1 national real estate website with over 4.36 million visits per month*.
*Source: Nielson/Net Ratings
All Oz Realty Group listings are Featured Showcase Listings on, making them stand out from the competition.
Showcase Listings provide:
- Custom Headline Banners on the Search Results page.
- Additional digital photographs (up to six). Listings with photos get more page views.
- Custom Text Description to promote the best features of the property.
- Scrolling text, providing dynamic, attention-grabbing information.
- Open House advertising bringing more potential buyers to the property.
- Ability to e-mail Oz Realty Group via contact information.
- Weekly reports of the number of times a listing is viewed.
According to the National Association of Realtor 2004 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, 78% of internet home searchers prefer listings with photos.
Oz Realty Group listings stand out from the rest of
All Oz Realty Group listings are Property Showcase Listings on
Property Showcase Listings provide:
- First-up in the Search Results page from the highest price to the lowest price, ahead of all the basic listings.
- Additional digital photography.
- Links to Virtual Tours and Slide Shows.
- Custom text description.
- Monthly reports of the number of times a listing is viewed.
- Ability to email Oz Realty Group via contact information.
- Ability to contact Oz Realty Group via an exclusive toll-free number listed directly to the Oz Realty Group office.
- Included in the Sunday Open House List.
Oz Realty Group listings stand out from the rest on
All Oz Realty Group listings are Featured Properties on our own website
Featured Properties include:
- Additional digital photography.
- Custom text descriptions to promote the best features of the property.
- Links to Virtual Tours and Slide Shows.
- Open House lists.
- Neighborhood maps, featuring locations of schools, hospitals, grocery stores, metra stations and much more.
- Ability to email Oz Realty Group via contact information.
All Oz Realty Group "For Sale" signs include our Web address for easy access to property and company information.
Oz Realty Group listings stand out from the rest because of Featured Properties.